
23 de Maio

Sessão de Abertura
Oficina 1 - Parte I

Practical Reasoning and BDI Agents

In this part of the course, we will explore the foundations of the theory of practical reasoning and how it has influenced a popular AI model of agency that takes its inspiration from the processes that seem to take place as we decide what to do.
  • Sebastian Sardina RMIT University, Australia

Coffee Break
Oficina 1 - Parte II

BDI Agent-oriented Programming and Software Engineering

We will review the major aspects of designing and developing multi-agent systems under the Belief-Desire-Intention programming paradigm. We will cover the identification of system goals, agent capabilities, data sources, agent interactions, use cases, scenarios, agent types and agent interaction diagrams, and how these will inform a concrete BDI application built from beliefs, events, messages, plans, etc. While the course relies on the PROMETHEUS agent methodology and the Java-based JACK agent development environment (both with roots in Melbourne, Australia), the concepts and features discussed are shared across other similar approaches and technologies.
  • Sebastian Sardina RMIT University, Australia

Palestra 1

Behavior Composition: Synthesis of Devices and Agents

With computers now present in everyday devices like mobile phones, credit cards, cars and planes or places like homes, offices and factories, the trend is to build embedded complex systems from a collection of simple components. Thus a complex room entertainment system for a smart house can be ``realised'' (i.e., implemented) by suitably coordinating the behaviours (i.e., the operational logic) of hundreds (or thousands) of simple devices and artifacts---lights, phones, blinds, game consoles, a vacuum cleaner, video cameras, TVs, a floor cleaning robot, etc.---installed in the house. Such embedded systems can provide services that range from simple tasks, such as ``turn on the lights in the bedroom,'' to more complex ones, such as ``bring me a cup of coffee'' or ``handle house intruder'' (by tracking and taking pictures of the intruder, toggling lights rapidly, and alerting the owner by email or phone).

The problem of automatically synthesising, that is, building, such an embedded controller-coordinator for a given desired target complex system is called the behaviour composition problem and is the focus of this talk. The composition synthesis task is important in that it can be recast in a variety of forms within several sub-areas of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, including robot ecologies, ubiquitous robots or intelligent spaces, web-services, component-based development (CBD), agent programming, and automated planning. The talk will cover the standard formalization of the problem, several extensions proposed in recent literature, and the main computational techniques to solve it. The progress and attention achieved in the last few years on behavior composition draws from recent important results in areas such as verification, reasoning about action, and generalized planning, among others.
  • Sebastian Sardina RMIT University, Australia

Coffee Break
Sessão Técnica 1

15:30-16:00 Uma Abordagem de Transferência de Calor Utilizando Teoria Constructal e Modelagem Baseada em Agentes, de Paola Andrea Avendaño Montoya, Newton Nyamasege Marube, Diana Francisca Adamatti e Jeferson Souza

16:00-16:30 Modelo de Reputação Fuzzy Aplicado a um Sistema Multiagente, de Henrique Rodrigues, Diana F. Adamatti, Graçaliz Dimuro, Glenda Dimuro e Esteban Jerez

16:30-17:00 Uma análise comparativa da especificação formal em sistemas multi-agente: os desafios e as exigências uma década depois, de Newton Nyamasege Marube, Narúsci Bastos, Eder Mateus Gonçalves, Jader Saldanha e Carlos Quadros

17:00-17:30 Um Jogo Dramático baseado na Teoria do Drama para Autorregulação de Processos de Trocas Sociais, de Renata G. Wotter, Diana F. Adamatti, Graçaliz Pereira Dimuro, Lucas Tubino Bonifácio Costa e Nelson de Faria Traversi
Sessão de Pôsteres 1

  • A Conceptual Middleware for Adaptive Sanctioning in Normative Multi-Agent Systems, Igor Conrado Alves de Lima, Luis Gustavo Nardin e Jaime Simão Sichman

  • Integrando Requisitos Organizacionais à Modelagem de Sistemas Multiagente Normativos, de Emmanuel Sávio Silva Freire e Mariela Cortés

  • Rede Bayesiana de Emoções e sua Implementação em um Jogo Computacional baseado em Agentes, de Gustavo Fleck, Diana Adamatti e Adriano Werhli

  • Modelando a Curva de Crescimento do Mycobacterium tuberculosis com a utilização de simulação multiagente: um estudo de caso para a variável quorum sensing, de Marcilene Moraes, Albano Borba, Diana F. Adamatti e Adriano Werhli

  • Modelagem da Teoria da Identidade Social Utilizando Sistemas Multiagentes, de Jader Saldanha, Narúsci Bastos, Cleo Billa, Graçaliz Dimuro e Diana F. Adamatti

24 de Maio

Oficina 2


SARL is a general-purpose agent-oriented language. SARL aims at providing the fundamental abstractions for dealing with concurrency, distribution, interaction, decentralization, reactivity, autonomy and dynamic reconfiguration. These high-level features are now considered as the major requirements for an easy and practical implementation of modern complex software applications. We are convinced that the agent-oriented paradigm holds the keys to effectively meet this challenge.

Considering the variety of existing approaches and meta-models in the field of agent-oriented engineering and more generally multi-agent systems, our approach remains as generic as possible and highly extensible to easily integrate new concepts and features. The language is platform- and architecture-independent.

This course presents SARL’s main concepts and provides an introduction to developing MAS with SARL.
  • Sebastian Rodriguez Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina

Coffee Break
Oficina 2


SARL is a general-purpose agent-oriented language. SARL aims at providing the fundamental abstractions for dealing with concurrency, distribution, interaction, decentralization, reactivity, autonomy and dynamic reconfiguration. These high-level features are now considered as the major requirements for an easy and practical implementation of modern complex software applications. We are convinced that the agent-oriented paradigm holds the keys to effectively meet this challenge.

Considering the variety of existing approaches and meta-models in the field of agent-oriented engineering and more generally multi-agent systems, our approach remains as generic as possible and highly extensible to easily integrate new concepts and features. The language is platform- and architecture-independent.

This course presents SARL’s main concepts and provides an introduction to developing MAS with SARL.
  • Sebastian Rodriguez Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina

Palestra 2

Holonic Multiagent System: From Modeling to Implementation

Complex systems are often characterized by networks of numerous interactiving entities. Their behavior is the result of the non-linear aggregation of the local interactions of theirs components. Multi-Agents Systems have become a natural tool for modeling, simulating and programming complex systems. Indeed, Multi-Agents Systems are composed of autonomous, reactive, proactive and interacting entities called agents engaged in the realization of a joint goals. Both types of systems are notably studied by their organization dynamics and  the emergence of organizational structures. However, in Complex Systems we usually find a great number of entities in interaction, acting at different levels of abstraction.

Analysis and modeling techniques able to represent several levels of abstraction and computation models that are capable to self-organize and adapt to environmental adversities are needed to overcome this issue. Among the possible solutions, Holonic Multi-Agent Systems (HMAS) are a promising paradigm. HMAS are based upon self-similar entities, called holons, which define an organizational structure called holarchy. HMAS have shown to be a convenient way to engineer complex and open systems in various application domains.

In this talk, after a brief introduction of HMAS, we will present an organizational modeling framework, the ASPECS methodology, and we will discuss how to implement Holonic Multiagent Systems. Finally, some interesting areas for future research will be presented.
  • Sebastian Rodriguez Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina

Coffee Break
Sessão Técnica 2

15:30-16:00 A Multi-Agent Extension of Hierarchical Task Network, de Rafael C. Cardoso e Rafael H. Bordini

16:00-16:30 Failure Prediction based on Monitoring Sequences of Actions and Action Duration, de Giovani Farias, Ramon Fraga Pereira, Lucas Hilgert, Felipe Meneguzzi, Renata Vieira e Rafael H. Bordini

16:30-17:00 Processo de desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta gráfica de apoio a metodologia PrometheusAEOlus, de Rafhael Rodrigues Cunha, Diana F. Adamatti e Cléo Zanella Billa

17:00-17:30 Retrospective, Relevance, and Trends of Software Agents, Environments and Applications School (WESAAC), de Enyo Gonçalves, Mariela Cortés, Marcos Oliveira, Nécio Veras, Mário Falcão e Jaelson Castro
Sessão de Pôsteres 2

  • An Analysis of Javino Middleware for Robotic Platforms Using Jason and JADE Frameworks, de Dayana Da Silva Junger, João Victor Guinelli e Carlos Eduardo Pantoja

  • Protocolo para diálogos argumentativos no auxílio da decisão consensual em sistemas multiagentes, de Ayslan Possebom, Mariela Morveli Espinoza e Cesar A. Tacla

  • Implementação de Recursos em um Smart Parking baseado em Sistemas Multiagente, de Felipe Felix Ducheiko, Lucas Fernando Souza de Castro e Gleifer Vaz Alves

  • Checagem de Consistência de Modelos de Sistemas Multiagentes Normativos Utilizando MAS-ML Tool, de Igor Nogueira, Mariela Cortés e Enyo Gonçalves

25 de Maio

Sessão Técnica 3

09:00-09:30 Utilização de grau de confiança entre agentes para alocação de vagas em um Smart Parking, de Lucas Fernando Souza de Castro, Gleifer Vaz Alves e André Pinz Borges

09:30-10:00 Tomada de Decisão em Sistemas Multiagente utilizando personalidade e emoções, de Gerson Antonio Urban Filho e Diana F. Adamatti

10:00-10:30 Uma Abordagem Baseada em Agentes para um Sistema de Classificação de Timbres, de Eduardo Porto Teixeira, Diana F. Adamatti and Eder M. Gonçalves

10:30-11:00 A multi-agent system with auctions for the selection of patients in a dental clinic, de Rodrigo Rabenhorst e Cleo Billa
Coffee Break
Sessão de encerramento